Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Michael Jackson, my step brother.

There was a secret scandal that occured two nights ago in my dreams. My mother had been a teenager when Joe Jackson had asked her to babysit for her. While she was babysitting, he took advantage of her. My mother became pregnant with his child, and hid it well, as she stayed on the farm to work. When the child was born, she gave the new born baby boy to Joe, and he was named Michael Jackson. My mother never spoke of him.
So, I was watching television, when there was a show about Michael Jackson, and how he never knew his real mother. I looked back to see my own mother, weeping. I asked her what was the matter, and she told me the story of when she was my age, and what had happened. I couldn't even imagine that happening, let alone to my mother!
It was arranged for my mom to meet with Michael Jackson on Oprah, where they would be reunited. I was watching the episode of Oprah, and suddenly my mom was frail, and she was accompanied by my Home Economics teacher, who was supporting her. Both of them, along with Michael, were crying. I watched this all happening, and the only thought going across my mind was THAT'S why Michael Jackson's skin is so white!

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