Wednesday, February 20, 2008

gillian and the french elephant

I was interning with my sister's grade eight classroom with Sufjan Stevens. I told Sufjan about the girls in the other class that "pleasure themselves" and how we thought it was disgusting. I didn't want to tell my sister about it though, because she teaches these girls, and I didn't want her to feel like she was doing a bad job or soemthing. So we continued on with the day, when all of a sudden it was almost hometime. I climbed up into this tree house, which was in the corner of the classroom, that smelled like pine and sour pineapples. There was a pet lion, a monkey and a grizzly bear, and they were just chillin in the corner. I soon found out that my sister was reading the class a story, I think it was Jungle Book, but I'm not too sure. I drew a picture of an elephant and wrote underneath it j'aime des éléphants, then I gave it to Solange, and she said, " Don't give it to me, Gillian's not going to be happy, she'll be so jealous because you know how much she loves elephants and french." "No, it's ok, I gave her an e-card that has elephants on it. It'll be fine," I said.
Of course Gillian saw the elephant I painted, and she said, "No, it's ok! I LOVE e-cards!" Even though I could hear the disappointment in her voice.

1 comment:

Gill Walker said...

not gonna lie, i was pretty pissed at you, i'm just good at hiding it with my mad enthusiasm