Friday, February 29, 2008

the gold medal of wrestling and randi's heart ;)

Last night there was a big wrestling tournament going on at our school in the gym, and Katie told me that there was no one in her weight catergory, so she would automatically get gold. I was excited for her. Then, on the day of the tournament, SIXTEEN other girls in her weight catergory showed up, and she had to wrestle them all. Because she's amazing, she beat them all, and got gold anyways! Mike won gold too, and he got so much confidence that he asked out Randi, and they've been going out since.

p.s. Today has only happened four times in my lifetime!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

one hundred and five dollars and a doorbell

The doorbell was ringing a lot, and when i finally answered the door, there was my dad's friend in woman's clothing standing on the front step, and he sayed to me, "Here you go, give this to your parent's, or you could always just keep it for yourself," and then he winked at me. I closed the door and gasped as I looked at the wad of $105 dollars sitting in my hand. Then he rang the doorbell again. I opened the door, and I said THANK YOU, as he took off his coat. "I've been wearing my wife's clothes since we got back from Texas," he said. "It's because all my clothes were ruined in the water damage at our house." "Those clothes look very nice on you," I said.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

the fish and the thrift store

I lived in this old timey house over-looking a huge lake, with my entire family, even my nieces and nephews and in-laws. There was a wood burning furnace and the house resembled Aunt Jospehine's house in A Series of Unfortunate Events, except sturdier. We made a huge meal, and we were eating it, but something was wrong, I didn't know what was wrong, but I knew something was up. Then we were outside on the deck, watching these huge fish that we could ride inside. There were good fish and bad fish. Then, everyone who was living on the lake was riding in these fish, and you have to go inside their mouths. Half of my family was in one fish, who was actually bad, and tried to eat the people, and I was in the good fish with the other half of my family. We were all screaming because we didn't want them to be eaten by a giant, angry fish. Then, all of a sudden, I was in the second-hand store in my neighbourhood, looking at t-shirts.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Michael Jackson, my step brother.

There was a secret scandal that occured two nights ago in my dreams. My mother had been a teenager when Joe Jackson had asked her to babysit for her. While she was babysitting, he took advantage of her. My mother became pregnant with his child, and hid it well, as she stayed on the farm to work. When the child was born, she gave the new born baby boy to Joe, and he was named Michael Jackson. My mother never spoke of him.
So, I was watching television, when there was a show about Michael Jackson, and how he never knew his real mother. I looked back to see my own mother, weeping. I asked her what was the matter, and she told me the story of when she was my age, and what had happened. I couldn't even imagine that happening, let alone to my mother!
It was arranged for my mom to meet with Michael Jackson on Oprah, where they would be reunited. I was watching the episode of Oprah, and suddenly my mom was frail, and she was accompanied by my Home Economics teacher, who was supporting her. Both of them, along with Michael, were crying. I watched this all happening, and the only thought going across my mind was THAT'S why Michael Jackson's skin is so white!

gillian and the french elephant

I was interning with my sister's grade eight classroom with Sufjan Stevens. I told Sufjan about the girls in the other class that "pleasure themselves" and how we thought it was disgusting. I didn't want to tell my sister about it though, because she teaches these girls, and I didn't want her to feel like she was doing a bad job or soemthing. So we continued on with the day, when all of a sudden it was almost hometime. I climbed up into this tree house, which was in the corner of the classroom, that smelled like pine and sour pineapples. There was a pet lion, a monkey and a grizzly bear, and they were just chillin in the corner. I soon found out that my sister was reading the class a story, I think it was Jungle Book, but I'm not too sure. I drew a picture of an elephant and wrote underneath it j'aime des éléphants, then I gave it to Solange, and she said, " Don't give it to me, Gillian's not going to be happy, she'll be so jealous because you know how much she loves elephants and french." "No, it's ok, I gave her an e-card that has elephants on it. It'll be fine," I said.
Of course Gillian saw the elephant I painted, and she said, "No, it's ok! I LOVE e-cards!" Even though I could hear the disappointment in her voice.